Gastvortrag: Social Media & Social Interaction: An Affordances Approach

mk_mmf_logo_rgb_transp03.11.2015: The affordances lens offers technology scholars a useful framework for theorizing about how platform characteristics shape social interaction. Focusing on higher-order action possibilities enables us to synthesize findings from multiple studies, across disparate platforms and over time, and helps produce enduring insights even after the sites under investigation have changed.

In this talk Nicole Ellison provides a short overview of the affordances approach and then describes a series of studies that investigate relevant characteristics of social media such as anonymity and ephemerality. Specifically, she will be sharing recent research on the benefits of anonymous interaction via for adolescents, perceptions of emotional and social support associated with use of Snapchat for college students, and characteristics and outcomes of social capital “mobilization requests” shared via Facebook.


Dienstag, den 3. November 2015, 12:00 Uhr

in der Alten Mensa, Audi Max, JGU

Prof. Dr. Nicole Ellison
University of Michigan


mail Kontakt

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Oliver Quiring
Jun.-Prof. Dr. Leonard Reinecke

Institut für Publizistik
Jakob-Welder-Weg 12
D 55128 Mainz


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